$ 925.00

Our good friend and extraordinary fiberglass rod builder Chris Barclay joined us on the Bighorn and we co-developed a series of rods that fit right in on the Bighorn.  Limited quantities are available!

There are 2 models in the series, both with very different personalities:

8'3" 4 weight - 

A very deep flexing but with an incredibly light and smooth tip.  This is the rod for fishing Baetis, tricos and most up close short range hatches on the Bighorn.


8' 5 weight - 

A much more powerful  rod than most on the market today, but with the classic smooth glass feel.  This rod will do it all from PMD's to hoppers.  Close range shots and comfortably reach 40-50' distances.

Built with a range of very rare wood reel seats, high grade cork and sliding band reel seats.


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